
Busan Citytour Bus

Orange Line

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Gamcheon Culture Village (Gamcheon Intersection)

Tourist public transportation is a convenient way to connect Busan's attractions.

Gamcheon Culture Village (Gamcheon Intersection)

Gamcheon Culture Village (Gamcheon Intersection) Introduction

Gamcheon Culture Village (Gamcheon Intersection) Img
  1. Station Name : Gamcheon Culture Village (Gamcheon Intersection)
  2. Bus Stop : Bus stop at Busan Natural Gas Power Plant at Gamcheon Intersection (10-009)
  3. Location : 438-12 Gamcheon-dong, Saha-gu, Busan
  4. -
  5. Town Bus: Saha-gu No. 1-1, Seo-gu No. 2-2, Seo-gu No. 2
[Transportation information for Gamcheon Culture Village]

Gamcheon Culture Village is 1.3 km from the Gamcheon Intersection Platform of the City Tour and takes about 30 minutes on foot. We recommend taking the Town Bus to travel the area.

-Town Bus: Saha-gu No. 1-1, Seo-gu No. 2-2, Seo-gu No. 2
- How to use: Get on the bus at Gamcheon Intersection ~ Get off at Gamcheon Culture Village bus stop
- Time Required: 7 minutes (on town bus)
- Where to catch the bus: Town Bus Stop, in front of Gamcheon Wooridul Pharmacy (to Gamcheon-dong Post Office)

▷ Get off at City Tour ~ Move to Gamcheon Culture Village
Go to Gamcheon Intersection on the right, and board in front of Wooridul Pharmacy

▷ Gamcheon Culture Village ~ Go to City Tour Platform
Take a town bus from Gamcheon Culture Village and get off at Gamcheon Intersection (Gamcheon 1-dong Community Service Center)
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