The new name of the Busan City Tour, BUTY!
Romantic Tour leaving together with BUTY, holding a ticket!

The brand name of Busan City Tour (nickname) – BUTI

BUTY, as an abbreviation of Busan City Tour, can get closer to foreigners by its friendly nuance, which is similar to ‘beauty’ in English, ‘peti’ in French (small and cute), and ‘fudi’ in Chinese (a happy place and a lucky land). The name, easy to be remembered, was selected as a brand name (nickname) at a public contest in March, 2014. English BUTI stands for Busan Tourism Innovation and denotes the innovation of Busan tourism.
The character of Busan City Tou – BUTI

Please call Busan City Tour BUTY forward!
BUTY will offer a special experience of the Busan City Tour with a unique brand differentiated from other city tours